Join Bankayma and Donate to Bar-Kayma for Culture, Art, Music and Peace
Please select a recurring monthly donation to join Bankayma - shared resources and destiny! 
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The Bar-Kayma Association operates BanKayma [Sustain-a bank] - a database of information and financial resources, which allows Jerusalem creators financial support in a community framework for artistic and cultural initiatives in the city. BanKayma is a joint community platform for financing projects and events in the field of culture in Jerusalem, based on monthly participation fees of its members.
How It Works?
Those who join BanKayma pay a minimum membership fee of NIS 30 per month. Membership fees provide benefits and invitations to events, lectures and workshops for artists and creators working in Jerusalem, along with entitlement to basic consulting and development services. Membership in the BanKayma Club is not reserved exclusively for Jerusalem artists and creators, but is also open to the general public who wish to take part and contribute to the local Jerusalem culture.
The total membership fees are collected into the bank's coffers. Every month, half of the shared fund is drawn, and given to one of the active projects in the association as a support grant. The rest of the amount is invested in promoting the creation of an independent, open and enabling workspace for contemporary creation, alongside building tools and platforms for managing projects and connecting artists, creators, professionals, associations, businesses, organizations and communities in Jerusalem.